Take Time To Reflect There Is Wisdom & Strengths Within
Village Green Craft Fair 2024 (9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
July 28th,August 25th,October 5th
1203 west Road Belgrade Maine 04917
(Rain Location : 1 Center Drive Belgrade Maine)
New Sharon Parks and Recreation The event is Saturday August 10th,2024 Scheduled from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm and located around the Softball Field in New Sharon (behind the town office!)
"FLY-BUY" Downtown Greenville : September 7th,8th 2024
Saturday 9:00 to 4:00 Sunday 9:00 to 3:00
The Augusta Elks Holiday Craft Fair November 16th ,2024 (9:00a.m to 2:00p.m)
Dawn L. Brown Sole proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record Research the very bears I care for & observe
At Home Sweet Home
I Hope to continue this journey for years to come
I am an artisan & Author as well = tiny business & try to sell my books ,photos & wooden products at shows.
I continue to get signatures so I can continue to care for & observe orphaned bear cubs and yearlings - I am waiting for my license renewal and confirmation ;that I will continue to receive orphan cubs ,and sick yearlings in need. Whatever is going on right now between me and a ' governemnt agency /mdifw - is pretty frustrating to say the least = I have done NOTHING WRONG! My experience with bears over the decades = My Care ,Observation ,Research /Data Is Impeccable and My Facilities are Amazing = This issue need to get resolved ASAP!
I have Rumble too:
Take a' look see at my videos & Social Media Sites as well to stay up to date - Thanks to all who do :o)
Visit my Social Media sites for any updates
I added a PayPal button - So.that people can purchase my New book in PRINT - Go to "GALLERY"
Note: I have had some glitches on the worldwide web unfortunately from time to time, and I can’t make myself clearer; that I dissolved Second Chance Wildlife, Inc. some years ago; that by the way ; I was the President & Executive director of – had a bit difficult time being portrayed as that when it existed – Just saying., and sadly the worldwide web continues to cause me problems in reference too, and it hurts my new business: Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance; I try to sell my products that I make with my photography – I have been working on coat racks ,cup holders, toilet paper and paper towel holders with my photographs inserted in them – I like wood burning and have been enjoying being crafty… NOTE: I also continue to care for and observe Black Bear Orphan Cubs, and sickly yearlings when they are need of care and observation , and I have done so - for many years/over 2 decades = I have had 76 bears thus far - over the years , and I certainly continue to learn from them. I LOOK FORWARD TO MY CONTINUED JOURNEY WITH THESE AMAZING CREATURES !
I am about as limited Government as it gets and most people understand why that Is – I have my clear reasons, and sadly the machine can cause me problems from time to time still ; I am glad that I put much of my information on paper, and I back it up on hard drives ,San Disk chips, CD’s as well ; because otherwise – Sadly, I have seen it go missing – disappear from my computer/or my social media sites. Note: I look forward to going to more shows being a vendor - later in season…My focus is the bears 1st ,but I certainly will get my products & books into stores and shops with time permitted. I will continue My journey caring for and observing the very bears I photograph, record & observe at Home Sweet Home ,and I pray bureaucracy will stop causing me problems ( I do consider myself a bear behavioral researcher as well “Bear Witness” I do appreciate everyone out there ;that doesn’t try to silence me ,or suppress me ,and is open minded ;they know who they are and again sincere thanks! Visit my personal fb page to get the latest for what is going on...
I am an artisan,Author,and bear researcher = I photograph & record bears on my private property,and care for them & observe their behaviors,and I have been making new item /wooden products with my photos ,and hope to sell at shows I go to.
I try to always say glass half full instead of half empty and stay as positive as I can.My little business:I am a sole proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance = I will stay strong and ever persistent, and be the driven individual that I am , and simply run my little business = Sell my photos/products ,gain some better marketing ideas/skills with some advice , and continue my learning experiences in regard to running my little business - I will also continue to learn from the bears that have so graciously let me a part of their lives. I feel beyond blessed to have witnessed orphaned bear cubs grow and develop over the years , and look forward to the future journey of doing so. I have certainly gained knowledge and insight into the mystery of growing cubs as they develop and grow into bears ; being a promising note - for giving others the facts rather than misconceptions. REAL
For inquiries , please contact me through my home phone ,but leave a message NOTE: NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO EVER TEXT 2077782902 My Home phone. Email me too at: dawnlindaraybrown@1791.com or call my Cell 2075780616 - I will get back to anyone who wants to reach me and has questions about bears & The work I do also caring for & observing them;that be for when I do receive orphans in need. Hope you will all purchase my books :The Innocent Journey of Orphaned Black Bear Cubs" & "Bear Witness" NOW IN PRINT! MUCH THANKS GOES TO ALL OUT THERE WHO HAVE KINDLY PURCHASED MY BOOKS IN PRINT! & ALSO MY PHOTOS,WOODWORK /PRODUCTS.I WILL LIST UPCOMING SHOWS SOON!
I love talking about the very bears that have given me so much insight - it welcomes people to listen intently for when I tell their story ,and so many out there really like that part of it = it gives them more incentive to want to buy a photo from me, and a greater understanding about bears = I not only sell people a beautiful photo , but there is a story behind each one - as I watched these cubs grow = giving each my undivided attention,and I, gotta say - there is so much more that goes along with it all , and many have said - that I am so passionate about the bears that I call mine. My knowledge base is intense = Life experiences : good bad /or indifferent ;People love hearing my stories that I never waiver from the Truth.
I am real happy to say - that I am now just starting - to also make handmade rustic frames for my photos - believing that will also be a selling point too!
I am often repetitive with my writings - because for so many years I have seen repetitive behavioral patterns with the bears I photograph,care for and observe , and I suppose it is a good thing - That I do absorb it all, and it never goes away in my thought process - each story stays vivid as it did when I had witnessed it - for the most part - take Note: I have had 76 bears over the years to date thus far - so I may have to do a bit of back checking in my notes & Data to clarify from time to time :o)
My Home & private property address Is : Dawn L. Brown - 90 mountain Road , New Sharon, ME 04955, US I also have a little shop on my private property - Not open to public - I am a vendor and go to shows trying to sell my photos and love talking about bears ) Regarding my bears and what my business consist of - I am a sole proprietor,and the only one who runs/Owns my business) Note: I/WE = Rightful owner/owners of : My home & private property : I/We = it is My home & private property & My husbands home & private property..My husband certainly understand my Independence,and how I love : Life Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness = I am Thankful for much - Living Life - Thankful for it - Praying often - Staying Fearless - Amen
My email is dawnlindaraybrown@1791.com
Copyright © 2018
Dawn L. Brown dba A bears Second Chance
website www.beartodream.net All Rights Reserved = Dawn L. Brown site owner Business owner